Hey everyone! Welcome back to another blog. Today I am going to be talking about song parodies, original songs by YouTubers, and my opinions on them. If you like videos like this leave a thumbs up and tell me down below what I should talk about that has to do with music! My Merch and Youtube will be linked below. So without further ado let’s start!
Also I forgot to mention- don’t send hate to any of the people mentioned! This is purely my opinion on this topic.
To start let’s talk about YouTube parodies. Now as much as I don’t like them I feel like I can’t hate on- most- of the them. Many are made or at least have kids as the main stars and aren’t that bad just kinda annoying over time. But the ones that are annoying are the ones made by adults either made for views from children or for a sad attempt at being funny.
A good example would be the “where is my phone?” A parody of into the unknown by the holderness family. Imagine getting 4million views on badly lipsyniced lyrics to a parody of a song the dad himself most likely wrote. Well looks like it’s time to get out my Elsa wig and drop this whole “lyrical lift” thing- but seriously what?? So many people make better regular song covers that are way better than this. Some have more view than this video while others get decently over looked when you compare the numbers. There are lots of examples of this where badly written and/or executed parody’s get more views than people with tons of talent doing a cover of the song. Now there are exceptions but for the most part it’s just messed up.
Next is original songs by YouTubers. Now I don’t mean people that actually start a music career on their YouTube channel. No I mean the distracts to other YouTubers, just bad songs that are original, or songs that have no effort into them. Now they are exceptions to this. Or ones that are okay it just depends on who you are- But for the most part they are NOT good. Don’t get me wrong, Some original songs are truely just for fun but others are just for views or to my views of other creators.
So what’s my final opinion?
Just meh.
A lot of effort can go into both a original song or pardoy. Although some are for views, others are for fun or them actually trying to start a singing career. Overall I have a very mixed opinion on both.
Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this blog! If you did tell me if you like song pardoies or original songs by any YouTuber. My
merch andYouTube down below! And with that I’ll see you next week- bye!