Groups Activity: Last 30 Days
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New Artist
Welcome to the artist group! You can post you kid friendly fanart and really enjoy yourself in the Kpop art community. enjoy!~😊
Group Rules
No sales or spam
No selling to or spamming other members is allowed in this group. Anyone who does so will be subject to immediate removal.
Keep it appropriate
Only post appropriate content. Anything deemed pass 13+ will be removed and will have the member suspended or Immediately taken away/off the group or site as a whole.
Respect one another
Everyone has a different point of view so feel free to respectfully disagree. Any racism, blatant rudeness, or bullying to any one of any kind will result in suspension to the user doing such things.
Copyright infringement and trademark
When sharing others people’s posts, images and other content, do not infringe on their copyright or claim other people’s materials as your own. Always make sure to credit where credit is due!
Do not ever share personal information such as, your full name, address, phone someone asks you for this please contact me with their account name. We will get them off our site as soon as possible.
Stay on group topic
This group is primarily about art so if your post does not have to do with art take it down and find the appropriate group for such.
- Public
Anyone can view this group.
Shown to site visitors.
July 12, 2020
Created by